Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Difference a Day Makes

The last two days have been like night and day.  Monday Vivian truly had a "bad" day - she didn't have much to drink or eat, seemed to be in a lot of pain, and had an extremely difficult time speaking or understanding conversation.  After a monster night of sleep (9 hours straight) and some modification to medication dosage and timing Vivian was able to have a "good" day today.  She was much more alert, participated in conversations, and even scolded Serge here and there.  There is still significant difficulty eating solid food, but she was able to stay much more hydrated today and managed to get some calories sucking down over half of a Frosty.  We were all pleased to see the change today and hope it sticks around for a while.


  1. Excellent to hear. You will have a little more "quality' time with her.

  2. So glad to hear (especially that Viv was able to scold Serge).
    Love to all.
    Nancy, Dennis and Andy

  3. So glad yesterday was a better day. Hoping and praying that she will have more good days than bad and continues to be surrounded with the love and happiness she has brought to all who know her. Love to you all!


  4. Smiles sent for yesterday, hugs sent for Monday, and love sent with each and every moment. Gretchen

  5. I miss your smile and sense of humor, thinking of you everyday!
    Anne MacDonald

  6. Thinking a lot about you, sending prayers and love for you and the family every day. Cheryl Q

  7. This news makes me happy...;)
    Hi Vivian!


  8. Sweet, sweet Vivian. I am thinking about her all the time...the family, too. Thank you for the updates. I read them everyday. All of the pictures are precious:).

    Lots of love to you all,
    Tessa Sheldon

  9. Just wanted to share..... Many years ago, Vivian promised a little girl that if she stopped biting her finger nails she would buy her real diamond earrings. Well, even though it was a great incentive, it still took me quite awhile (perhaps years) to finally quit the habit. Approximately 25 years later, here I sit with those diamond earrings still in my ears since the day I got them. (And my nails are beautiful.) Basically I've had a small piece of Vivian's generosity and kindness with me always and forever will. Love and hugs to all of you!
