Sunday, April 22, 2012

Visiting Vivian

Things continue to swing back and forth with Vivian.  Yesterday she did great with taking in fluids, today not so much again.  Overall, however, she is getting quite weak and completely lucid moments are few and far between.  We are all feeling the painful effects of slowing losing the woman we know.  

The list of family and visitors that have stopped by continues to grow - her father, sisters, brother-in-law, and niece have been here the past three weekends in one combination or another; Serge's parents, sister, nephew, and niece made it in last weekend; another niece stayed for a few days this past week and helped clean up and cooked for everyone; close friends have spent many hours with Vivian which has allowed Serge time to run errands, complete projects, or decompress with a couple buddies at the local FOP.  Sarah, John, and Rowan have been spending a majority of their time each week at the house to support the family while trying to balance their work responsibilities back in Lansing.  My wife, Sara, has done the lions share of house keeping and child rearing (she's still on a maternity leave from our second child, Vivian's granddaughter Lauren) allowing me to support my parents and grieve all at the same time. 

Thank you for all the stories and words of encouragement - they have been helpful for the family.


  1. ....feel my presence and prayers of love. Gretchen

  2. Thinking of your family during this difficult time and saying prayers for peaceful moments.

  3. You are in my prayers.

  4. We think of you guys often and are praying for you also. Josh, Jillian & Luke
