Monday, April 9, 2012

Home and Happy

Vivian is home resting comfortably and there is an air of relaxation in the house. We know there are more trials before us, but for now there is relief in both the literal and figurative sense. Two stents were placed - one in the main bile duct of the liver and one in the pancreatic duct. Both were completely blocked and drainage was immediate from the pancreas. We should see the full effect of the stents and pressure relief in the next 72 hours. I will keep posting on the results and progress.


  1. I love Vivian and am thinking about her and praying for her. God's blessings to all of you.
    Love, Tessa Sheldon

  2. Vivian, I think of you so very often! I miss you terribly and am so glad to read you are home and resting comfortably! I just left you a voicemail message this morning. So glad to know now of this update blog! Sending many prayers your way!! Love you!! Carla

  3. Glad she is home.

  4. Please let Vivian know that we are always thinking of her. In the few years we have known her, she has brought so much joy to us and our boys.
    Love coming your way from the Hubbles.

  5. So glad to hear. Thanks so much for the blog and keeping us posted. It's hell being far away and not being able to give you all a hug now and again. Will be in touch.
    Love to all!

  6. You Rock Girlfriend,
    I am thankful you are home and felling some relief. Prayers are still heading your way my friend. XOXO, Kathy and Dave Martin

  7. So happy to hear you are home and having "some" relief, Vivian. Hope you all know that you are on our minds and in our prayers.


  8. Please let Vivian know you are all in our prayers. Our son Luke misses her very much! God Bless,
    Tim, Kerrie & Luke Murphy

  9. Vivian,
    Jan and I pray for you, and wish you and your family a blessed and peaceful time together.
    Jan and Keith Stevens
